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Page:Tamerlane - Rowe (1702, 1st edition).djvu/78

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Mon.It is enough! Now to thy Rest, my Soul,The World, and thou have made an end at once.
Arp.Fain would I still detain thee, hold thee still;Nor Honour can forbid, that we togetherShould share the poor few Minutes that remain;I swear, methinks this sad SocietyHas somewhat pleasing in it.———Death's dark ShadesSeem, as we Journy on, to lose their Horror:At near approach the Monsters form'd by fearAre vanisht all, and leave the Prospect clear:Amidst the gloomy Vale, a pleasing SceneWith Flow'rs adorn'd, and never-fading Green,Inviting stands to take the Wretched in.No Wars, no Wrongs, no Tyrants, no Despair,Disturb the Quiet of a Place so fair,But injur'd Lovers find Elizium there.[Exeunt.

Enter Bajazet, Omar, Haly, and the Dervise.
Baj.Now by the glorious Tomb that shrines our Prophet,By Mecca's sacred Temple! here I swear!Our Daughter is thy Bride; and to that GiftSuch Wealth, such Pow'r, snch Honours will I add,That Monarchs shall with Envy view thy State,And own, Thou art a Demy-God to Them.Thou hast given me what I wish'd, Power of Revenge,And when a King rewards, 'tis ample Retribution.
Om.Twelve Tartar Lords, each potent in his Tribe,Have sworn to own my Cause, and draw their ThousandsTo Morrow, from th' ungrateful Parthian's side;The Day declining seems to yield to Night,E'er little more than half her Course be ended,In an auspicious Hour prepare for Flight;The Leaders of the Troops thro' which we pass,Rais'd by my Pow'r, devoted to my Service,Shall make our Passage secret, and secure.
