When in an happy hour, you shall e'er longHave born the Empress, from amidst your Foes,She must be yours, be only, and all yours.
Baj.On that depends my fear. Yes! I must have her,I own I will not, cannot go without her;But such is the condition of our Flight,That should she not consent, t'would hazard all,To bear her hence by force; Thus I resolve then,By Threats, and Prayr's, by every way to move her;If all prevail not, Force is left, at last;And I will set Life, Empire on the Venture,To keep her mine.—Be near, to wait my Will.[Exit Haly.When last we parted, t'was on angry Terms,Let the remembrance dye, or kindly thinkThat jealous Rage is but a hasty Flame,That blazes out, when Love too fiercely burns.
Arp.For thee to wrong me, and for me to suffer,Is the hard Lesson that my Soul has learn't;And now I stand prepar'd for all to come:Nor is it worth my leisure to distinguish,If Love, or Jealousy commit the violence;Each have alike been fatal to my Peace,Confirming me a Wretch, and thee a Tyrant.
Baj.Still to deform thy gentle Brow with Frowns!And still to be perverse! It is a mannerAbhorrent from the softness of thy Sex:Women, like Summer Storms, a while are Cloudy,Burst out in Thunder, and impetuous Show'rs;But strait the Sun of Beauty dawns abroad,And all the fair Horison is serene.
Arp.Then to retrieve the honour of my Sex,Here I disclaim that Changing, and Inconstancy;To Thee I will be ever, as I am.
Baj.Thou say'st, I am a Tyrant, think so still,And let it warm thy Prudence, to lay holdOn the good hour of Peace, that courts thee now;Souls form'd like mine, brook being scorn'd, but Ill;