Be well advis'd, and profit by my patience,It is a short-liv'd Virtue.
Arp.Turn thy EyesBack on the Story of my Woes, Barbarian.Thou that ha'st violated all RespectsDue to my Sex, and Honour of my Birth,Thou brutal Ravisher! that hast undone me,Ruin'd my Love! Can I have Peace with thee?Impossible! first Heav'n and Hell shall join,They only differ more.
Baj.I see, 'tis vain,To court thy stubborn Temper with Endearments.Resolve this moment, to return my Love,And be the willing Partner of my Flight,Or by the Prophet's holy Law! thou dy'st.
Arp.And dost thou hope, to fright me with that Fantome??Death! 'Tis the greatest Mercy thou can'st give;So frequent are the Murders of thy Reign,One Day scarce passing by unmarkt with Blood,That Children, by long use, have learn't to scorn it:Know, I disdain to aid thy treacherous purpose,And should'st thou dare to force me, with my CriesI will call Heaven and Earth to my Assistance.
Baj.Confusion! dost thou brave me? But my WrathShall find a Passage to thy swelling Heart,And rack thee worse, than all the Pains of Death.That Grecian Dog, the Minion of thy Wishes,Shall be drag'd forth, and butcher'd in thy sight;Thou shalt behold him, when his Pangs are terrible,Then, when he stares, and gasps, and struggles strongly,Ev'n in the bitterest Agony of dying;Till thou shalt rend thy Hair, tear out thy Eyes,And curse thy Pride, while I applaud my Vengeance.
Arp.Oh! fatal Image! All my Powers give way,And Resolution sickens at the Thought;A Flood of Passion rises in my Breast,And labours fiercely upward to my Eyes.Come, all ye great Examples of my Sex,