To Baj.] For thee, thou Tyrant, whose oppressive ViolenceHas ruin'd those, thou should'st protect at home,Whose Wars, whose Slaughters, whose Assassinations,(That basest Thirst of Blood, that Sin of Cowards)Woose Faith so often given, and always violated,Have been th' Offence of Heav'n, and Plague of Earth.What Punishment is equal to thy Crimes?The Doom, thy Rage design'd for me, be thine:Clos'd in a Cage, like some destructive Beast,I'll have thee born about, in publick View,A great Example of that righteous VengeanceThat waits on Cruelty, and Pride like thine.
Baj.It is beneath me, to decline my Fate,I stand prepar'd to meet thy utmost Hate:Yet think not, I will long thy Triumph see,None want the Means, when the Soul dares be free;I'll Curse thee with my last, my parting Breath,And keep the Courage of my Life in Death;Then boldly venture on that World unknown,It cannot use me worse, than this has done.[Exit Bajazet guarded.
Tam.Behold the vain Effects of Earth-born Pride,That scorn'd Heav'ns Laws, and all its Pow'r defy'd;That could the Hand, which form'd it first, forget,And fondly say, I made my self, be great:But justly those above assert their Sway,And teach ev'n Kings what Homage they should pay,Who then Rule best, when mindful to Obey.[Exeunt Omnes.