Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 09.djvu/266

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of Pennsylvania, 1895, Ursinus college. 1900. and from Wasliinylun and JelTerson college in 1902. Dr. Sciiaeffer edited : Bible Readings for Scliools (1897); is the author of: Tliinking and Learn- ing in Think (1900); History of Education in Pt-nnsi/lvania (1903), being part of a 3-voIunie liistory of the state, and contributed to the Mercersburg AVrtejr, articles on "The Order of Jesuits; " " Church and State in Germany ; "

  • ' Education among the Greeks and Romans "and

"School Life in Ancient Athens," and also two articles on " Postalozzi " in the Reformed CJmrch Jievictr: "One-Sided Training of Teachers;" •' Arrested Development in Education." He wrote theintroiluction to Riddle's" Nicholas Comenius," to Hinsdale's "Civil Government" (Pennsylvania edition) and to " The Life of Rev. Henry Har- baugh, D.D. "

SCHAFF, Philip, clergyman and author, was born at Chur, Graubiindten, Switzerland, Jan. 1, 1S19 ; son of Philip Schaff. He attended the gymnasium of Stuttgart and the universities of Tubingen, llalle and Berlin, receiving the degree B.D., and obtaining a rating entitling him to a professorship in the University of Ber- lin in 1841. He was tutor to Henrich von Krocher, a Prussian nobleman, 1841-42, and lectured on exe- gesis and church his- tory at the Univer- sity of Berlin, 1842- 41. He was or- dained at Elberfeld, Germany, April 12, 1844. The same year he came to the having accepted a call as pro- fessor in the theological seminary of the Ger- man Reformed church at Mercersburg, Pa., 1844-03 ; was tried, 1S4.1, at York, Pa., for heresy, on the ground of his inaugural address, the

  • • Principle of Protestantism," afterwards pub-

lished. Tlio charges were Roman Catholic errors. A full verdict of acquittal was rendered. He was married, Dec. 10. \S4~), to Mary Elizabeth, daughter of David Schley of Frederick city, Md. He declined the presidency of Franklin and Marshall college, Lancaster, Pa., IS.'iS. He rep- presented the German Reformed churches of the United SUites at Frankfurt and Ba.sel in lS.'i4. He rennjved to New York city in 1863. and was secretary of the New York Sabbath committee, lsr)4-C9 ; lectured on church history at Andover and Hartford Tiieological seminaries and at Union Theological seminary, 1869-70 ; was profes-

United States.

sor at Union Seminary of theological encyclopedia and Cliristian symbolism, 1870-1873 ; of Hebrew and the cognate languages. 1873-74 ; of sacred lit- erature, 1^74-87, and of churcli history, l(ri87-93, and in 1893 was made professor emeritus. He was a founder and honorary secretary of the American branch of the Evangelical alliance, and repre- sented that body in 18G9, 1872 and 1873. arrang- ing for the general conference in New York city, in October, 1873. The Alliance made him a delegate to visit the Emperor of Russia in 1871, in behalf of the Christians fn the Balkan provinces. He was selected in 1871 by the Britii^h com- mittee on Bible revision, to organize the Ameri- can committee, and was elected its president. In 187.5 he was present at the conference of the Old Catholics, Greeks and Protestants at Bonn, and at the meeting in London which organized the Alliance of tiie Reformed churches. lie was a delegate and speaker at the first general council of the Reformed churches in Edinburgh in 1877, and at its second council in Pliiladelphia, 1880, when he was chairman of the programme com- mittee. He was a delegate to the general confer- ence of the Evangelical Alliance in Basel in 1879, and in Copenhagen in 1884 ; founded and was first president of the American Society of Church History in 1888. and was a member of various historical and literary societies in Europe and America. He received the degree D.D. from the University of Berlin in 1854 ; from St. An- drews university, Scotland, in 1887, and from the University of New York, 1892, and LL.D.. from Amherst, 1874. He edited the Anglo-American adaptation of Lange's " Critical, Tiieological and Homiletical Comnientaiy on the Bible," (2.5 vols., 1864-80) ; Popidar Illustrated Commentary on the New Testament (4 vols., 1878-83) ; Library of Re- ligious Poetry, with Arthur Oilman (1881) ; The Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knoicl- edge (4 vols., 1884) ; Philosophical and Tiieologi- cal Library, with Prof. Henry B. Smith (1873- 79); and he founded and edited the Kirchen- freund (1848-1854). He is the author of numerous learned works, including : History of the Apos- tolical Church (1853); Sketch of the Political, Social and Religious Character of the United States (1855) ; Germany, its Universities, The- ology and Religion (1857) ; History of the Chris- tian Church (2 vols., 1858-67; new ed., 6 vols., 1882-92); German Hymn Book, u-ith Introduction a ndA'ofes (1859); The Christ of the Gospels (1864); The Person of Christ, u'ith Replies to Strauss and Renan (1865) ; The Vatican Council (1875) ; History and Collection of the Creeds of Christen- dom (3 vols., 1876) : Harmony of the Reformed Confessions (1877) ; Through Bible iMnds (1878) ; Dictionai'y of the Bible (1880) ; Companion to the Greek Testament and the English Version