himself to thee on this altar, and whom I likewise possess in the centre of my soul. Apply to them also, O Lord, the indulgence which the Church this day holds forth in thy name to worthy communicants, and let not my imperfect dispositions be an obstacle to the exercise of thy mercy on their behalf. In consideration of thy beloved Son, cease to remember their iniquities, and take no further revenge of their sins. I particularly implore thy mercy, O Lord, for my parents, friends, and benefactors; for all those who are most abandoned; for those to whose sufferings I may have been accessory; for all who, during life, were most devoted to the adorable sacrament of thy love; and also for those who were the fervent clients of thy blessed Mother. O Almighty Lord, transport them into thy bosom, where they shall be replenished with the goods of thy house; confirm them in thy sight for ever, that they may joyfully sing a hymn to thee in Sion, and pay to thee a vow in Jerusalem. ( Ps . lxiv. 1.)
ALMIGHTY Lord, how shall I presume to address thee as my Father, since by my abuse of thy mercies I have forfeited the title of thy child? O my God, I acknowledge that I have squandered thy graces; that I have been deaf to thy voice; and have abandoned thee, my only good. I have sinned against heaven and before thee, and were I treated as I deserve, I should be for ever excluded from that kingdom which I was created to enjoy. Yet, notwithstanding all, I will not despair, for I possess in my soul the sweet pledge of my forgiveness. Thou canst not behold me without looking at the same time on the face of that dear Son, whose delight