admit foreign members. Proposed amendment number five also has my support, to place upon the honorary roll all inactive ex-presidents.
Just a word on the question of consolidation. My views upon this subject have become pretty well known by this time, but it may be well to repeat them here. I am firmly opposed to the consolidation of the United with any other organization, and do not consider this matter deserves much attention at this time. I don't think there ever was a real sentiment for consolidation within the United with any other organization, and do not consider this was a real sentiment for consolidation within the United, but the propaganda has been kept alive largely by those whose greatest efforts have been spent in behalf of the National. Our association is too busy doing things worth while to pause and exhaust its energies upon a dead issue. I have no unkind feelings toward those who favour this matter, and especially do I disclaim any hostility toward the National as an organization, but I cannot see any good reason for the proposed union. Let's all turn in and give our best licks for our own favourite association.
Thanking those members who have persistently urged my candidacy, and assuring them and all the other members of my sincere desire to merit their further confidence and esteem,
I beg to remain, Fraternally yours,
Leo Fritter.
The Conservative
Edited by H.P. Lovecraft in the Interests of the United Amateur Press Association. Office of Publication, 598 Angell St., Providence, R.I.
Sent Gratis to all amateur journalists who may desire it.
The Lincoln Press