them is reserved the friendly answer, and, when possible, the apologetic recantation. It may be noticed that in this issue the Conservative has conceded practically all points to Mr. Kleiner in the discussion concerning allowable rhymes.
The Conservative and His Critics
"Melius non tangere, clamo"!
It appears that the Conservative's review of Charles D. Isaacson’s recent paper was not accepted in the honestly critical spirit intended, and that Mr. Isaacson is preparing to wreak summary verbal vengeance upon the crude barbarian who cannot appreciate the loathsome Walt Whitman, cannot lose his self-respect as a white man, and cannot endorse a treasonable propaganda designed to deliver these United States as easy victims to the first hostile power who cares to conquer them. In view of the Conservative's frank and explicit recognition of Mr. Isaacson's unusual talent, the predicted reprisal seems scarcely necessary, yet if it must come, it will find its object, as usual, not unwilling to deliver blow for blow. The Conservative possesses very definite opinions on the questions involved, and has by no means exhausted all his armory of darts in their defense. Owing to the uncertainties of the press, Mr. Isaacson's contemplated screed may have appeared ere this; in any case the Conservative may with propriety announce his attitude in the words which Colley Cibber, reviser of Shakespeare, puts into the mouth of King Richard:
"Hark! the shrill trumpet sounds, to horse, away,
My soul's in arms, and eager for the fray"!
Gems from "In a Minor Key".
(With Remarks by The Conservative)
"-------mentally unpalatable, even as are the words of George Sylvester Vierick to the great (no kidding) English People".
W.H. Goodwin.
No kidding, Goodwin, you with wisdom say
That England likes not George Sylvester's way:
The honest truth poor Vierick ne'er could speak,
And Britons hate a liar and a sneak!
"-------Germans, and all persecuted peoples".
Charles D. Isaacson.