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colloquialism drives home the ugly truths which we are reluctant to hear, but which, without hearing, we may never comprehend or remedy. Most of these horrors are utterly beyond the realization of the sheltered Symphonics, many of them are beyond the realization of the secluded Conservative; but that they exist, the burning indignation and sincerity of Mr. Lockhart forbid us to doubt. This is a world of wonderful good and unspeakable evil. Let the Family of Symphonics extend throughout the upper realm which gave it birth, but let it forbear too hastily to frown on those noble reforming souls who are willing to imperil their lives, sacrifice their illusions, abandon their happiness, and walk among the vicious and the lowly, oven as did one Man nineteen hundred years ago.

William J. Dowdell, in transforming his Bearcat into a 7X10 journal of high and conservative ideals, is demonstrating very forcibly the fine quality of truly ambitious youth. Let the National rail about our young members if it so chooses; they are certainly doing better than most of the National's old members! Mr. Dowdell's new policy is one of sense and soundness, and his paper will soon attain an envied position through the dignified tone of its contents, both contributed and editorial. During the present year Mr. Dowdell has printed articles by some of our most gifted members. This condition will undoubtedly continue, and the improved aspect of the publication will attract even more amateurs of prominence to its pages.

The Conservative desires very sincerely to felicitate Mr. William T. Harrington on his latest Coyote. The transition from the March standard is almost startling, and the whole present atmosphere of the periodical prophesies future improvement at no tardy rate.

Having learned of the adoption of amateur journalism by an inmate of the Columbus penitentiary, the Conservative is impelled to reflect that a good many other amateurs, particularly in the National, ought to be in gaol as well.

The editor of The Tryout, a National paper, takes issue with The Lake Breeze concerning the status of "the small boy with a printing press" in amateur journalism. Mr. Smith declares that upon this same boy the whole past, present, and future of amateur journalism depends; but the Conservative is of a different opinion, being unable to see why the typesetter or pressman is so essentially affiliated with the art of literature. True, some of the best amateurs have also been printers, as attested by Messrs. Dowdell, Sandusky, Porter, Macauley, ane the formerly active genius Edward Cole, but these cases by no means prove that the pen and