Ochone! Ochone! Where am Oi now? What conflict am Oi in?
Do Oi belong in Dublin town or back in Ould Berlin?
A week ago me son was borrn; his christ'nin's not far off;
Oi wonther will I call him Mike, or Friedrich Wilhelm Hoff?
'Tis hard indade for one loike me to know jist whore he's at;
Oi wonther if me name is Hans or if it shtill is Pat?
But lot me bore ye all no more; the proper course is clear.
Oi'll slanther England all Oi dare, an' rayson niver hear.
A loyal, "noothral" Oi shal be in all me wurrds an' worrk.
An' niver shpake excipt to praise the Dutchman an' the Turrk'
The Conservative.
Edited by H.P. Lovecraft in the Interests of the United Amateur Press Association. Office of Publication, 598 Angell St., Providence, R.I., U.S.A. For Circulation among Lovers of Literature.
The Lincoln Press.