adopt that tone of trembling humility which suits the inexperienced beginner.
As another ambitious novice wrote not long ago in rugged verse:
"Mid amateurs and novices, through oft they are winning,
Be it ever so humble, there must be a beginning.
A slap from the critic swiftly brings us to our feet;
Shakes up our senses, and shakes out our conceit."
Introducing Mr. Chester Pierce Munroe
Visitors at the Slater Avenue Primary and Grammar School in Providence, examining the desks and walls of the building, or the fence and the long bench in the boys' yard, may today discern among the multitude of names unlawfully carved by generations of youthful irrepressibles, frequent repetitions of the initials "C.P.M. & H.P.L.", which the vicissitudes of sixteen years have failed completely to efface. The two friends whose initials are thus early associated have not been separated in spirit during the ensuing years, so that "H.P.L.", now become The Conservative, herewith takes pleasure in welcoming to the United as his first recruit Mr. Chester Pierce Munroe, the "C.P.M." of boyhood days.
But while The Conservative has remained in the city of his birth, secluding himself amidst the musty volumes of his library, his friend has been in and of the busy world outside, acquiring a knowledge of men and things instead of mere bookish lore. Wherefore it is no dry replica of himself that The Conservative is ushering into the charmed circle of amateur journalism. Chester P. Munroe was always of literary tastes. Even in the old Slater Avenue days he used to write short stories in moments snatched from the study of his regular lessons, and in later years he became the author of more than one unpublished novel. His geographical description of Switzerland, composed a few years ago, inspired The Conservative to scribble off some complimentary verses which may one day appear in the amateur press.
Recently, Mr. Munroe has become a disciple of the Muses, and his credential to the United, a delightful little poem called "Thoughts," will soon, it is to be hoped, greet us from the pages of The Blarney Stone. The new member is now a thorough North Carolinian, having established himself at the Grove Park Inn, Asheville. It is therefore possible that he will be in attendance at the coming convention.
In the future politics of the United, Mr. Munroe may play a lively and considerable part, for he comes of a decidedly political stock. His talented father, the Hon. Addison Pierce Munroe, has repeatedly been elected by overwhelming majorities to the Senate of Rhode Island; his uncle, Mr. Oliver Munroe, is Mayor of Melrose, Massachusetts; while his charming younger brother, Harold, is a Deputy Sheriff of Providence County. The Conservative is certain that the rest of the amateurs will join with him in making this