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The Conservative

Edited by H.P. Lovecraft

Vol. II.
Providence, R.I., January, 1917
No. IV.

The Vagrant

A Wind walk'd in the West
At edge of night,
While from a white star's crest
It elbow'd light.

It to a garden sprang
And gaily blew
Warm kisses, while it sang
And filch'd the dew.

It tapp'd, with pretty blow,
On nest-noos'd tree,
Then rapp'd, first swift, then slow
And tenderly.

It leapt to black-brow'd hill;
Tweak'd glow-worm's ear,
So damp and small and chill.
With elfin leer!

It rac'd, on dancing feet,
Into a dell
Where dreams creep in to meet
And cast their spell;

And there, with merry cry
And noisy shout,
It fleck'd them hasting by
And chas'd them out!

Then on and on, with turn
And lisping trill,
It came to golden fern
Beside a rill.

It whisper'd low and long,
On toes a-sway,
Then burst into a song
And sped away.

And fast and far it went,
For when the Dawn
Her soft-shot graylings sent--
The Wind had gone!

Winifred Virginia Jordan.