the Moone, or such a kinde of blushing light, that the Sunne causes when he is neere his rising, when he bestowes some small light upon the thicker vapours. Thus wee see commonly the Sunne being in the Horizon, and the reflexion growing weake, how his beames make the waters appeare very red.
The Moabites in Iehorams time when they rose early in the morning, and beheld the waters a farre off, mistooke them for blood. [1] Et causa hujus est, quia radius solaris in aurora contrahit quandam rubedinem, propter vapores combustos manentes circa superficiem terræ, per quos radii transeunt, & ideo cum repercutiantur in aqua ad oculos nostros, trahunt secum eundem ruborem, & faciunt apparere locum aquarum, in quo est repercussio esse rubrum, saith Tostatus.[2] The reason is, because of his rayes, which being in the lower vapours, those doe convey an imperfect mixed
- ↑ 2 King. 3. 22.
- ↑ 2ª. Quæst. in hoc cap.