Cant. VII.
the Faery Queene.
But all of Diamond perfect pure and cleeneIt framed was, one massy entire mould,Hewen out of Adamant rocke with engines keene,That point of speare it neuer percen could,Ne dint of direfull sword diuide the substance would.
The same to wight he neuer wont disclose,But when as monsters huge he would dismay,Or daunt vnequall armies of his foes,Or when the flying heauens he would affray:For so exceeding shone his glistring ray,That Phœbus golden face it did attaint,As when a cloud his beames doth ouer-layAnd siluer Cynthia wexed pale and faynt,As when her face is staynd with magicke arts constraint.
No magicke arts hereof had any might,Nor bloody wordes of bold Enchaunters call,But all that was not such, as seemd in sight,Before that shield did fade, and suddeine fall:And when him list the raskall routes appall,Men into stones therewith he could transmew,And stones to dust, and dust to nought at all;And when him list the prouder lookes subdewHe would them gazing blind, or turne to other hew.
Ne let it seene that credence this exceedes,For he that made the same, was knowne right wellTo haue done much more admirable deedes.It Merlin was, which whylome did excellAll liuing wightes in might of magicke spell:Both shield, and sword, and armour all he wroughtFor this young Prince, when first to armes he fell,But when he dyde, the Faery Queene it broughtTo Faerie lond, where yet it may be seene, if sought.