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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/110

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The first Booke of
Cant. VIII.
That when his deare Duessa heard, and sawThe euill stownd, that daungerd her estate,Vnto his aide she hastily did drawHer dreadfull beast, who swolne with blood of lateCame ramping forth with proud presũpteous gate,And threatned all his heades like flaming brandes.But him the Squire made quickly to retrate,Encountring fiers with single sword in hand,And twixt him and his Lord did like a bulwarke stand.
The proud Duessa full of wrathfull spight,And fiers disdaine, to be affronted so,Enforst her purple beast with all her mightThat stop out of the way to ouerthroe,Scorning the let of so vnequall foe:But nathemore would that corageous swayneTo her yeeld passage, gainst his Lord to goe,But with outrageous strokes did him restraine,And with his body bard the way atwixt them twaine.
Then tooke the angrie witch her golden cup,Which still she bore, replete with magick artes;Death and despeyre did many thereof sup,And secret poyson through their inner partes,Th'eternall bale of heauie wounded harts;Which after charmes and some enchauntments said,She lightly sprinkled on his weaker partes;Therewith his sturdie corage soone was quayd,And all his sences were with suddein dread dismayd
So downe he fell before the cruell beast,Who on his neck his bloody clawes did seize,That life nigh crusht out of his panting brest:No powre he had to stirre, nor will to rize.
