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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/121

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Cant. IX.
the Faery Queene
And lurkt in rocks and caues long vnespide.But that faire crew of knights, and Vna faireDid in that castle afterwards abide,To rest them selues, and weary powres repaire,Where store they fownd of al, that dainty was and rare.

Cant. IX.

His loues and lignage Arthure tellsthe knights knitt friendly hands:Sir Treuisan flies from Despeyre,Whom Redcros knight withstands.
O goodly golden chayne, wherewith yfereThe vertues linked are in louely wize:And noble mindes of yore allyed were,In braue poursuitt of cheualrous emprize,That none did others safety despize,Nor aid enuy to him, in need that stands,But friendly each did others praise deuize,How to aduaunce with fauourable hands,As this good Prince redeemd the Redcrosse knight from bands.
Who when their powres empayrd through labor long,With dew repast they had recured well,And that weake captiue wight now wexed strong,Them list no lenger there at leasure dwell,But forward fare, as their aduentures fell,But ere they parted, Vna faire besoughtThat straunger knight his name and nation tell;Least so great good, as he for her had wrought,Should die vnknown, & buried be in thankles thought.
