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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/122

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The first Booke of
Cant. IX.
Faire virgin (said the Prince) yee mere quireA thing without the compas of my witt:For both the lignage and the certein Sire,From which I sprong, from mee are hidden yitt.For all so soone as life did me admittInto this world, and shewed heuens light,From mothers pap I taken was vnfitt:And streight deliuered to a Fary knight,To be vpbrought in gentle thewes and martiall might.
Vnto old Timon he me brought byliue,Old Timon, who in youthly yeares hath beeneIn warlike feates th'expertest man aliue,And is the wisest now on earth I weene;His dwelling is low in a valley greene,Vnder the foot of Rauran mossy hore,From whence the riuer Dee as siluer cleeneHis tombling dillowes rolls with gentle rore:There all my daies he traind mee vp in vertuous lore.
Thether the great magicien Merlin came,As was his vse; ofttimes to visitt meeFor he had charge my discipline to frame,And Tutors nouriture to ouersee.Him oft and oft I askt in priuity,Of what loines and what lignage I did spring.Whose aunswere bad me still assured bee,That I was sonne and heire vnto a king,As time in her iust term the truth to light should bring.
Well worthy impe, said then the Lady gent,And Pupill fitt for such a Tutors hand.But what aduenture, or what high intentHath brought you hether into Fary land,
