The first Booke of
Cant. IX.
Thine, O then, said the gentle Redcrosse knight,Next to that Ladies loue, shalbe the place,O fayrest virgin, full of heauenly light,Whose wondrous faith, exceeding earthly race,Was firmest fixt in myne extremest case.And you, my Lord, the Patrone of my life,Of that great Queene may well gaine worthie grace:For onely worthie you through prowes priefeYf liuing man mote worthie be, to be her liefe.
So diuersly discoursing of their loues,The golden Sunne his glistring head gan shew,And sad remembraunce now the Prince amoues,With fresh desire his voyage to pursew:Als Vna earnd her traueill to renew.Then those two knights, fast frendship for to bynd,And loue establish each to other trew,Gaue goodly gifts, the signes of gratefull mynd,And eke as pledges firme, right hands together ioynd.
Prince Arthur gaue a boxe of Diamond sure,Embowd with gold and gorgeous ornament,Wherein were closd few drops of liquor pure,Of wondrous worth, and vertue excellent,That any wownd could heale incontinent:Which to requite, the Redcrosse knight him gaueA booke, wherein this Saueours testamentWas writt with golden letters rich and braue;A worke of wondrous grace, and hable soules to saue.
Thus beene they parted, Arthur on his wayTo seeke his loue, and th'other for to fightWith Vnaes foe, that all her realme did pray.But she now weighing the decayed plight,