The first Booke of
Cant. IX.
He answerd nought at all, but adding newFeare to his first amazment, staring wydeWith stony eyes, and hartlesse hollow hew,Astonisht stood, as one that had aspydeInfernall furies, with their chaines vntyde.Him yett againe, and yett againe bespakeThe gentle knight, who nought to him replyde,But trembling euery ioynt did inly quake,And foltring tongue at last these words seemd forth to shake.
For Gods deare loue, Sir knight, doe me not stay;For loe he comes, he comes fast after mee.Est looking back would faine haue runne away;But he him forst to stay, and tellen freeThe secrete cause of his perplexitie,Yet nathemore by his bold hartie speach,Could his blood frosen hart emboldened bee,But through his boldnes rather feare did reach,Yett forst, at last he made through silēce suddein breach.
And am I now in safetie sure (quoth he)From him, that would haue forced me to dye?And is the point of death now turnd fro mee,That I may tell this haplesse history?Feare nought: (quoth he) no daunger now is nye?Then shall I you recount a ruefull cace,(Said he) the which with this vnlucky eyeI late beheld, and had not greater graceMe reft from it, had bene partaker of the place.
I lately chaunst (Would I had neuer chaunst)With a fayre knight to keepen companee,Sir Terwin hight, that well himselfe aduaunstIn all affayres, and was both bold and free,