The first Booke of
Cant. X.
Through wisedome of a matrone graue and hore;Whose onely ioy was to relieue the needesOf wretched soules, and helpe the helpelesse pore:All night she spent in bidding of her bedes,And all the day in doing good and godly deedes.
Dame Caelia men did her call, as thoughtFrom heauen to come, or thether to arise,The mother of three daughters, well vpbroughtIn goodly thewes, and godly exercise:The eldest two most sober, chast, and wise,Fidelia and Speranza virgins were,Though spousd, yet wanting wedlocks solemnize;But faire Charissa to a louely fereWas lincked, and by him had many pledges dere.
Arriued there, the dore they find fast lockt;For it was warely watched night and day,For feare of many foes: but when they knockt,The Porter opened vnto them streight way:He was an aged syre, all hory gray,With lookes full lowly cast, and gate full slow,Wont on a staffe his feeble steps to stay,Hight Humiltá. They passe in stouping low;For streight & narrow was the way, which he did shew.
Each goodly thing is hardest to begin,But entred in a spatious court they see,Both plaine, and pleasaunt to be walked in,Where them does meete a francklin faire and free,And entertaines with comely courteous glee,His name was Zele, that him right well became,For in his speaches and behaueour heeDid labour liuely to expresse the same,And gladly did them guide, till to the Hall they came.