The first Booke of
Cant. I.
Of such (saide he) I chiefly doe inquere,And shall thee well rewarde to shew the place,In which that wicked wight his dayes doth weare:For to all knighthood it is foule disgrace,That such a cursed creature liues so long a space.
Far hence (quoth he) in wastfull wildernesseHis dwelling is, by which no liuing wightMay euer passe, but thorough great distresse.Now (saide the Ladie) draweth toward night,And well I wote, that of your later fight,Ye all forwearied be: for what so strong,But wanting rest will also want of might?The Sunne that measures heauen all day long,At night doth baite his steedes the Ocean waues emong.
Then with the Sunne take Sir, your timely rest,And with new day new worke at once begin:Vntroubled night they say giues counsell best.Right well Sir knight ye haue aduised bin,Quoth then that aged man; the way to winIs wisely to aduise: now day is spent;Therefore with me ye may take vp your InFor this same night. The knight was well content:So with that godly father to his home they went.
A litle lowly Hermitage it was,Downe in a dale, hard by a forests side,Far from resort of people, that did pasIn traueill to and froe: a litle wydeThere was an holy chappell edify de,Wherein the Hermite dewly wont to sayHis holy thinges each morne and euentyde:Thereby a christall streame did gently play,Which from a sacred fountaine welled forth alway.