Cant. X.
the Faerie Queene.
The faithfull knight now grew in litle space,By hearing her, and by her sisters lore,To such perfection of all heuenly grace;That wretched world he gan for to abhore,And mortall life gan loath, as thing forlore,Greeud with remembrance of his wicked wayes,And prickt with anguish of his sinnes so sore,That he desirde, to end his wretched dayes:So much the dart of sinfull guilt the soule dismayes,
But wise Speranza gaue him comfort sweet,And taught him how to take assured holdVpon her siluer anchor, as was meet;Els had his sinnes so great, and manifoldMade him forget all, that Fidelia told.In this distressed doubtfull agony,When him his dearest Vna did behold,Disdeining life, desiring leaue to dye,She found her selfe assayld with great perplexity
And came to Cœlia to declare her smart,Who well acquainted with that commune plight,Which sinfull horror workes in wounded hart,Her wisely comforted all, that she might,With goodly counsell and aduisement right;And streightway sent with carefull diligence,To fetch a Leach, the which had great insightIn that disease of grieued conscience,And well could cure the same; His name was Patience.
Who comming to that sowle-diseased knight,Could hardly him intreat, to tell his grief:Which knowne, and all that noyd his heauie spright,Well searcht, eftsoones he gan apply relief.