Cant. X.
the Faerie Queene.
The godly Matrone by the hand him bearesForth from her presence, by a narrow way,Scattred with bushy thornes, and ragged breares,Which still before him she remou'd away,That nothing might his ready passage stay:And euer when his feet encombred were,Or gan to shrinke, or from the right to stray,She held him fast, and firmely did vpbeare,As carefull Nourse her child from falling oft does reare.
Eftsoones vnto an holy Hospitall,That was fore by the way, she did him bring,In which seuen Bead-men that had vowed allTheir life to seruice of high heauens kingDid spend their daies in doing godly thing:There gates to all were open euermore,That by the wearie way were traueiling,And one sate wayting euer them before,To call in-commers by, that needy were and pore.
The first of them that eldest was, and best,Of all the house had charge and gouernement,As Guardian and Steward of the rest:His office was to giue entertainementAnd lodging, vnto all that came, and went:Not vnto such, as could him feast againe,And double quite, for that he on them spent,But such, as want of harbour did constraine:Those for Gods sake his dewty was to entertaine.
The second was as Almner of the place,His office was, the hungry for to feed,And thristy giue to drinke, a worke of grace:He feard not once him selfe to be in need,