The first Booke of
Cant. X.
Ne car'd to hoord for those, whom he did breede:The grace of God he layd vp still in store,Which as a stocke he left vnto his seede;He had enough, what need him care for more?And had he lesse, yet some he would giue to the pore.
The third had of their wardrobe custody,In which were not rich tyres, nor garments gay,The plumes of pride, and winges of vanity,But clothes meet to keepe keene cold away,And naked nature seemely to aray;With which bare wretched wights he dayly clad,The images of God in earthly clay;And if that no spare clothes to giue he had,His owne cote he would cut, and it distribute glad.
The fourth appointed by his office was,Poore prisoners to relieue with gratious ayd,And captiues to redeeme with price of bras,From Turkes and Sarazins, which them had stayd;And though they faulty were, yet well he wayd,That God to vs forgiueth euery howreMuch more then that, why they in bands were layd,And he that harrowd hell with heauie stowre,The faulty soules from thence brought to his heauenly bowre.
The fift had charge sick persons to attend,And comfort those, in point of death which lay;For them most needeth comfort in the end,When sin, and hell, and death doe most dismayThe feeble soule departing hence away.All is but lost, that liuing we bestow,If not well ended at our dying day.O man haue mind of that last bitter throw;For as the tree does fall, so lyes it euer low.