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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/149

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Cant. X.
the Faery Queene.
The sixt had charge of them now being dead,In seemely sort their corses to engraue,And deck with dainty flowres their brydall bed,That to their heauenly spouse both sweet and braueThey might appeare, when he their soules shall saue.The wondrous workmanship of Gods owne mould,Whose face he made, all beastes to feare, and gaueAll in his hand, euen dead we honour should.Ah dearest God me graunt, I dead be not defould.
The seuenth now after death and buriall done,Had charge the tender Orphans of the deadAnd wydowes ayd, least they should be vndone:In face of iudgement he their right would plead,Ne ought the powre of mighty men did dreadIn their defence, nor would for gold or feeBe wonne their rightfull causes downe to tread:And when they stood in most necessitee,He did supply their want, and gaue them euer free.
There when the Elfin knight arriued was,The first and chiefest of the seuen, whose careWas guests to welcome, towardes him did pas:Where seeing Mercie, that his steps vpbare,And alwaies led, to her with reuerence rareHe humbly louted in meeke lowlinesse,And seemely welcome for her did prepare:For of their order she was Patronesse,Albe Charissa were their chiefest founderesse.
There she awhile him stayes, him selfe to rest,That to the rest more hable he might bee:During which time, in euery good behestAnd godly worke of Almes and charitee
