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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/151

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Cant. X.
the Faery Queene.
Who when these two approching he aspide,At their first presence grew agrieued sore,That forst him lay his heuenly thoughts aside;And had he not that Dame respected more,Whom highly he did reuerence and adore,He would not once haue moued for the knight.They him saluted standing far afore;Who well them greeting, humbly did requight,And asked, to what end they clomb that tedious hight.
What end (qd. she) should cause vs take such paine,But that same end, which euery liuing wightShould make his marke, high heauen to attaine?Is not from hence the way, that leadeth rightTo that most glorious house, that glistreth brightWith burning starres, and euerliuing fire,Where of the keies are to thy hand behightBy wise Fidelia? shee doth thee require,To shew it to this knight, according his desire.
Thrise happy man, said then the father graue,Whose staggering steps thy steady hand doth lead,And shewes the way, his sinfull soule to saue.Who better can the way to heauen aread,Then thou thy selfe, that was both borne and bredIn heuenly throne, where thousand Angels shine?Thou do est the praiers of the righteous seadPresent before the maiesty diuine,And his auenging wrath to clemency incline.
Yet since thou bidst, thy pleasure shalbe donne.Then come thou man of earth, and see the way,That neuer yet was seene of Faries sonne,That neuer leads the traueiler astray,
