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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/153

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Cant. X.
the Faery Queene
As he thereon stood gazing, he might seeThe blessed Angels to and fro descend.From highest heuen, in gladsome companee,And with great ioy into that Citty wend,As commonly as frend does with his frend.Whereat he wondred much, and gan enquere,What stately building durst so high extendHer lofty towres vnto the starry sphere,And what vnknowen nation there empeopled were.
Faire knight (qd. he) Hierusalem that is,The new Hierusalem, that God has builtFor those to dwell in, that are chosen his,His chosen people purg'd from sinful guilt,With piteous blood, which cruelly was spiltOn cursed tree, of that vnspotted lam,That for the sinnes of al the world was kilt:Now are they Saints all in that Citty sam,More dear vnto their God, then yoūglings to their dam.
Till now, said then the knight, I weened well,That great Cleopolis, where I haue beene,In which that fairest Fary Queene doth dwellThe fairest Citty was, that might be seene;And that bright towre all built of christall clene,Panthea, seemd the brightest thing, that was:But now by proofe all otherwise I weene;For this great Citty that does far surpas,And this bright Angels towre quite dims that towre of glas.
Most trew, then said the holy aged man;Yet is Gleopolis for earthly fame,The fairest peece, that eie beholden can:And well beseemes all knights of noble name,
