The first Booke of
Cant. X.
And btought thee vp in ploughmans state to byde,Whereof Georgos he thee gaue to name;Till prickt with courage, and thy forces pryde,To Fary court thou cam'st to seeke for fame,And proue thy puissaunt armes, as seemes thee best became.
O holy Sire (quoth he) how shall I quightThe many fauours I with thee haue fownd,That hast my name and nation redd aright,And taught the way that does to heauen bownd?This saide, adowne he looked to the grownd,To haue returnd, but dazed were his eyne,Through passing brightnes, which did quite cōfoundHis feeble sence, and too exceeding shyne.So darke are earthly thinges compard to things diuine.
At last whenas himselfe he gan to fynd,To Vna back he cast him to retyre;Who him awaited still with pensiue mynd.Great thankes and goodly meed to that good syre,He thens departing gaue for his paynes hyre.So came to Vna, who him ioyd to see,And after litle rest, gan him desyre,Of her aduenture myndfull for to bee.So leaue they take of Cœlia, and her daughters three.