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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/161

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Cant. XI.
the Faery Queene.
So dreadfully he towardes him did pas,Forelifting vp a loft his speckled brest,And often bounding on the brused gras,As for great ioyaunce of his new come guest.Eftsoones he gan aduaunce his haughty crest,As chauffed Bore his bristles doth vpreare,And shoke his scales to battaile ready drest;That made the Redcrosse knight nigh quake for feare,As bidding bold defyaunce to his foeman neare.
The knight gan fayrely couch his steady speare,And fiersely ran at him with rigorous might:The pointed steele arriuing rudely theare,His harder hyde would nether perce, nor bight,But glauncing by foorth passed forward right;Yet sore amoued with so puissaunt push,The wrathfull beast about him turned light,And him so rudely passing by, did brushWith his long tayle, that horse and man to ground did rush.
Both horse and man vp lightly rose againe,And fresh encounter towardes him addrest:But th'ydle stroke yet backe recoyld in vaine,And found no place his deadly point to rest.Exceeding rage enflam'd the furious beast,To be auenged of so great despight;For neuer felt his imperceable brestSo wondrous force, from hand of liuing wight;Yet had he prou'd the powre of many a puissant knight.
Then with his wauing wings displayed wyde,Himselfe vp high he lifted from the ground,And with strong flight did forcibly diuydeThe yielding ayre, which nigh too feeble found
