The first Booke of
Cant. XI.
That feared chaunce from her to turne away;With folded hands and knees full lowly bentAll night shee watcht, ne once adowne would layHer dainty limbs in her sad dreriment,But praying still did wake, and waking did lament.
The morrow next gan earely to appeare,That Titan rose to runne his daily tace;But earely ere the morrow next gan reareOut of the sea faire Titans deawy face,Vp rose the gentle virgin from her place,And looked all about, if she might spyHer loued knight to moue his manly pace:For she had great doubt of his safety,Since late she saw him fall before his enimy.
At last she saw, where he vpstarted braueOut of the well, wherein he drenched lay;As Eagle fresh out of the Ocean waue,Where he hath lefte his plumes all hory gray,And deckt himselfe with fethers youthly gay,Like Eyas hauke vp mounts vnto the skies,His newly budded pineons to assay,And merueiles at him selfe, stil as he flies:So new this new-borne knight to battell new did rise.
Whom when the damned feend so fresh did spy,No wonder, if he wondred at the sight,and doubted, whether his late enimyIt were, or other new supplied knight.He, now to proue his late renewed might,High brandishing his bright deaw-burning blade,Vpon his crested scalp so sore did smite,That to the scull a yawning wound it made:The deadly dint his dulled sences all dismaid.
I wote