Cant. XI.
the Faery Queene.
When gentle Vna saw the second fallOf her deare knight, who weary of long fight,And faint through losse of blood, moou'd not at all, mightBut lay as in a dreame of deepe delight,Besmeard with pretious Balme, whose vertuousDid heale his woundes, and scorching heat alay,Againe she stricken was with sore affright,And for his safetie gan deuoutly pray;And watch the noyous night, and wait for ioyous day.
The ioyous day gan early to appeare,And fayre Aurora from the deawy bedOf aged Tithone gan her selfe to reare,With rosy cheekes, for shame as blushing red;Her golden locks for hast were loosely markeAbout her eares, when Vna her did markeClymbe to her charet, all with flowers spred;From heuen high to chace the chearelesse darke,With mery note her lowd salutes the mounting larke.
Then freshly vp arose the doughty knight,All healed of his hurts and woundes wide,And did himselfe to battaile ready dight;Whose early foe awaiting him besideTo haue deuourd, so soone as day he spyde,When now he saw himselfe so freshly reare,As if late fight had nought him damnifyde,He woxe dismaid, and gan his fate to feare;Nathlesse with wonted rage he him aduaunced neare.
And in his first encounter, gaping wyde,He thought attonce him to haue swallowd quight,And rusht vpon him with outragious pryde;Who him rencountring fierce, as hauke in flight,