The first Booke of
Cant. XII.
Or in his wombe might lurke some hidden nestOf many Dragonettes, his fruitfull seede;Another saide, that in his eyes did restYet sparckling fyre, and badd thereof take heed;Another said, he saw him moue his eyes indeed.
One mother, whenas her foolehardy chyldDid come to neare, and with his talants playHalfe dead through feare, her litle babe reuyld,And to her gossibs gan in counsell say;How can I tell, but that his talents mayYet scratch my sonne, or rend his tender hand.So diuersly them selues in vaine they fray;Whiles some more bold, to measure him nigh stand,To proue how many acres he did spred ofland.
Thus flocked all the folke him rownd about,The whiles that hoarie king, with all his traine,Being arriued, where that champion stoutAfter his foes defeasaunce did remaine,Him goodly greetes, and fayre does entertayne,With princely gifts of yuory and gold,And thousand thankes him yeeldes for all his paine.Then when his daughter deare he does behold,Her dearely doth imbrace, and kisseth manifold.
And after to his Pallace he them bringes,With shaumes, & trompets, & with Clarions sweet;And all the way the ioyous people singes,And with their garments strowes the paued streetWhence mounting vp, they fynd purueyaunce meetOf all, that royall Princes court became,And all the floore was vnderneath their feetBe spredd with costly scarlott of great name,On which they lowly sitt, and fitting purpose frame.