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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/184

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The first Booke of
Cant. XII.
That all the house did sweat with great aray:And all the while sweete Musicke did applyHer curious skill, the warbling notes to play,To driue away the dull Melancholy;The whiles one sung a song of loue and iollity.
During the which there was an heauenly noiseHeard sownd through all the Pallace pleasantly,Like as it had bene many an Angels voice,Singing before th'eternall maiesty,In their trinall triplicitles on hye;Yett wist no creature, whence that heuenly sweetProceeded, yet eachone felt secretlyHimselfe thereby refte of his sences meet,And rauished with rare impression in his sprite.
Great ioy was made that day of young and old,And solemne feast proclaymd throughout the land,That their exceeding merth may not be told:Snffice it heare by signes to vnderstandThe vsuall ioyes at knitting of loues band.Thrise happy man the knight himselfe did hold,Possessed of his Ladies hart and hand,And euer, when his eie did her behold,His heart did seeme to melt in pleasures manifold.
Her ioyous presence and sweet companyIn full content there did long enioy,Ne wicked enuy, ne vile gealosyHis deare delights were hable to annoy:Yet swimming in that sea of blisfull ioy,He nought forgott, how he whilome had sworne,Incase he could that monstrous beast destroy,Vnto his Faery Queene backe to retourne:The which he shortly did, and Vna left to mourne.
