The second Booke of
Which to late age were neuer mentioned,Who euer heard of th'Indian PeruOr who in venturous vessell measuredThe Amarons huge riuer now found trewOr fruitfullest Virginia who did euer vew.
Yet all these were when no man did them knowYet haue from wisest ages hidden beeneAnd later times thinges more vnknowne shall showWhy then should witlesse man so much misweeneThat nothing is but that which he hath seene?What if within the Moones fayre shining spheareWhat if in euery other starre vnseeneOf other worldes he happily should heareHe wõder would much more, yet such to some appeare
Of faery lond yet if he more inquyreBy certein signes here sett in sondrie placeHe may it fynd; ne let him then admyreBut yield his sence to bee too blunt and baceThat no'te without an hound fine footing traceAnd then O fayrest Princesse vnder skyIn this fayre mirrhour maist behold thy faceAnd thine owne realmes in lond of FaeryAnd in this antique ymage thy great auncestry.
The which O pardon me thus to enfoldIn couert vele and wrap in shadowes lightThat feeble eyes your glory may beholdWhich elles could not endure those beames brightBut would bee dazled with exceeding lightO pardon and vouchsafe with patient eareThe braue aduentures of this faery knightThe good Sir Guyon gratiously to heareIn whom great rule of Temp'raunce goodly doth appeare.