The second Booke of
Cant. I.
Thereto his subtile engins he does bendHis practick witt, and his fayre fyled tonge,With thousand other sleightes: for well he kend,His credit now in doubt full ballaunce hong;For hardly could bee hurt, who was already stong.
Still as he went, he craftie stales did lay.With cunning traynes him to entrap vnwares,And priuy spyals plast in all his way,To weete what course he takes, and how he fares;To ketch him at a vauntage in his snares.But now so wise and wary was the knightBy tryall of his former harmes and cares,That he descryde, and shonned still his slight:The fish that once was caught, new bait wil hardly byte.
Nath'lesse th'Enchaunter would not spare his payne,In hope to win occasion to his will;Which when he long awaited had in vayne,He chaungd his mynd from one to other ill:For to all good he enimy was still.Vpon the way him fortuned to meet,Fayre marching vnderneath a shady hill,A goodly knight, all armd in harnesse meete,That from his head no place appeared to his feete.
His carriage was full comely and vpright,His countenance demure and temperate,But yett so sterne and terrible in sight,That cheard his friendes, and did his foes amate:He was an Elfin borne of noble state,And mickle worship in his natiue land,Well could he tourney and in lists debate,And knighthood tooke of good Sir Huons hand,When with king Oberon he came to Fary land.