The second Booke of
Cant. I.
Sith that false Traytour did my honour reaue?False traytour certes (saide the Faerie knight)I read the man, that euer would deceaueA gentle Lady, or her wrong through might:Death were too little paine for such a fowle despight.
But now, fayre Lady, comfort to you make,And read, who hath ye wrought this shamfull plight.That short reuenge the man may ouertake,Where so he be, and soone vpon him light.Certes (saide she) I wote not, how he hight,But vnder him a gray steede he did wield,Whose sides with dapled circles weren dight;Vpright he rode, and in his siluer shieldHe bore a bloodie Crosse, that quartred all the field.
Now by my head (saide Guyon) much I muse,How that same knight should do so fowle amis,Or euer gentle Damzell so abuse:For may I boldly say, he surely isA right good knight, and trew of word ywis:I present was, and can it witnesse well,When armes he swore, and streight did enterprisTh'aduenture of the Errant damozell,In which he hath great glory wonne, as I heare tell.
Nathlesse he shortly shall againe be tryde,And fairely quit him of th'imputed blame,Els be ye sure he dearely shall abyde,Or make you good amendment for the same:All wrongs haue mendes, but no amendes of shame.Now therefore Lady, rise out of your paine,And see the saluing of your blotting name.Full loth she seemd thereto, but yet did faine,For she was inly glad her purpose so to gaine.