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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/197

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Cant. I.
the Faery Queene.
But when he heard him speake, streight way he knewHis errour, and himselfe inclyning sayd,Ah deare Sir Guyon, well becommeth you,But me behoueth rather to vpbrayd,Whose hastie hand so fat from reason strayd,That almost it did haynous violenceOn that fayre ymage of that heauenly Mayd,That decks and armes your shield with faire defence:Your court'sie takes on you anothers dew offence,
So beene they both at one, and doen vpreareTheir beuers bright, each other for to greet;Goodly comportaunce each to other beare,And entertaine themselues with court'sies meet;Then saide the Redcrosse knight, Now mote I weet,Sir Guyon, why with so fierce saliaunce,And fell intent ye did at earst me meet;For sith I know your goodly gouernaunce,Great cause, I weene, you guided, or some vncouth chaunce.
Certes (said he) well mote I shame to tellThe fond encheason, that me hether led.A false infamous faitour late befellMe for to meet, that seemed ill bested,And playnd of grieuous outrage, which he redA knight had wrought against a Ladie gent;Which to auenge, he to this place me led,Where you he made the marke of his intent,And now is fled, foule shame him follow, wher he went.
So can he turne his earnest vnto game,Through goodly handling and wise temperaunce.By this his aged Guide in presence came,Who soone as one that knight his eye did glaunce,
