Cant. II.
the Faerie Queene.
Where when the knight arriu'd, he was right wellReceiu'd, as knight of so much worth became,Of second sister, who did far excellThe other two; Medina was her name,A sober sad, and comely courteous Dame;Who rich arayd, and yet in modest guize,In goodly garments, that her well became,Fayre marching forth in honorable wize,Him at the threshold mett, and well did enterprize.
She led him vp into a goodly bowre,And comely courted with meet modestie,Ne in her speach, ne in her hauiour,Was lightnesse seene, or looser vanitie,But gratious womanhood, and grauitie,Aboue the reason of her youthly yeares:Her golden lockes she roundly did vptyeIn breaded tramels, that no looser hearesDid out of order stray about her daintie eares.
Whilest she her selfe thus busily did frame,Seemely to entertaine her new-come guest,Newes hereof to her other sisters came,Who all this while were at their wanton rest,Accourting each her frend with lauish fest:They were two knights of perelesse puissaunce,And famous far abroad for warlike gest,Which to these Ladies loue did countenaunce,And to his mistresse each himselfe stroue to aduaunce.
He that made loue vnto the eldest Dame,Was hight Sir Huddibras, an hardy man;Yet not so good of deedes, as great of name,Which he by many rash aduentures wan,