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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/217

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Cant. II.
the Faery Queene
Elissa (so the eldest hight) did deemeSuch entertainment base, ne ought would eat,Ne ought would speake, but euermore did seemeAs discontent for want of metth or meat;No solace could her Paramour intreatHer once to show, ne court, nor dalliaunce,But with bent lowring browes, as she would threat,She scould, and frownd with froward countenaunce,Vnworthy of faire Ladies comely gouernaunce.
But young Perissa was of other mynd,Full of disport, still laughing, loosely light,And quite contrary to her sisters kynd;No measure in her mood, no rule of right,But poured out in pleasure and delight;In wine and meats she flowd aboue the banck,And in excesse exceeded her owne might;In sumptuous tire she ioyd her selfe to pranck,But of her loue too lauish (litle haue she thanck.)
First by her side did sitt the bold Sansloy,Fitt mate for such a mincing mineon,Who in her loosenesse tooke exceeding ioy;Might not be found a francker franion,Of her leawd parts to make companion:But Huddibras, more like a Malecontent,Did see and grieue at his bold fashion;Hardly could he endure his hardiment,Yett still he satt, and inly did him selfe torment.
Betwixt them both the faire Medina sateWith sober grace, and goodly carriage:With equall measure she did moderateThe strong extremities of their outrage,
