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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/22

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The first Booke of
Cant. II.
His wanton daies that euer loosely led,Without regard of armes and dreaded fight:Those twoo he tooke, and in a secrete bed,Couered with darkenes and misdeeming night,Them both together laid, to ioy in vaine delight.
Forthwith he runnes with feigned faithfull hastVnto his guest, who after troublous sightsAnd dreames gan now to take more sound repast,Whom suddenly he wakes with fearful frights,As one aghast with feends or damned sprights,And to him cals, Rise rise vnhappy Swaine,That here wex old in sleepe, whiles wicked wightsHaue knit themselues in Venus shameful chaine;Come see, where your false Lady doth her honor staine.
All in amaze he suddenly vp startWith sword in hand, and with the old man went;Who soone him brought into a secret part,Where that false couple were full closely mentIn wanton lust and leud enbracement:Which when he saw, he burnt with gealous fire,The eie of reason was with rage yblent,And would haue slaine them in his furious ire,But hardly was restreined of that aged sire.
Retourning to his bed in torment great,And bitter anguish of his guilty sight,He could not rest, but did his stout heart eat,And wast his inward gall with deepe despight,Yrkesome of life, and too long lingring night.At last faire Hesperus in highest skieHad spent his lāpe, and brought forth dawning light,Then vp he rose, and clad him hastily;The dwarfe him brought his steed: so both away do fly.
