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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/221

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Cant. III.
the Faery Queene.
Then taking Congè of that virgin pure,The bloody-handed babe vnto her truthDid earnestly committ, and her coniure,In vertuous lore to traine his tender youth,And all that gentle noriture ensueth:And that so soone as ryper yeares he rought,He might for memory of that dayes ruth,Be called Ruddymane, and thereby taught,T'auenge his Parents death on thē, that had it wrought.
So forth he far'd, as now befell, on foot,Sith his good steed is lately from him gone;Patience perforce: helplesse what may it bootTo frett for anger, or for griefe to mone?His Palmer now shall foot no more alone:So fortune wrought, as vnder greene woodes sydeHe lately hard that dying Lady grone,He left his steed without, and speare besyde,And rushed in on foot to ayd her, ere she dyde.
The whyles a losell wandring by the way,One that to bountie neuer cast his mynd,Ne thought of honour euer did assayHis baser brest, but in his kestrell kyndA pleasing vaine of glory he did fynd,To which his flowing toung, and troublous sprightGaue him great ayd, and made him more inclynd:He that braue steed there finding ready dight,Purloynd both steed and speare, and ran away full light.
Now gan his hart all swell in iollity,And of him selfe great hope and help conceiu'd,That puffed vp with smoke of vanity,And with selfe-loued personage deceiu'd,
