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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/222

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The second Booke of
Cant. III.
He gan to hope, of men to be receiu'dFor such, as he him thought, or faine would bee:But for in court gay portaunce he perceiu'd,And gallant shew to be in greatest gree,Eftsoones to court he cast t'aduaunce his first degree.
And by the way he chaunced to espyOne sitting ydle on a sunny banck,To whom auaunting in great brauery,As Peacocke, that his painted plumes doth pranck,He smote his courser in the trembling flanck,And to him threatned his hart-thrilling speare:The seely man seeing him ryde so ranck,And ayme at him, fell flatt to ground for feare,And crying Mercy loud, his pitious handes gan reare.
Thereat the Scarcrow wexed wondrous prowd,Through fortune of his first aduenture fayre,And with big thundring voice reuyld him lowd;Vile Caytiue, vassall of dread and despayre,Vnworthie of the commune breathed ayre,Why liuest thou, dead dog, a lenger day,And doest not vnto death thy selfe prepayre.Dy, or thy selfe my captiue yield for ay;Great fauour I thee graunt, for aunswere thus to stay.
Hold, O deare Lord, hold your dead-doing hand,Then loud he cryde, I am your humble thrall.Ah wretch (qd. he) thy destinies withstandMy wrathfull will, and doe for mercy call.I giue thee life: therefore prostrated fall,And kisse my stirrup; that thy homage bee.The Miser threw him selfe, as an Offall,Streight at his foot in base humilitee,And cleeped him his liege, to hold of him in fee,
