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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/223

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Cant. III.
the Faerie Queene.
So happy peace they made and faire accord:Eftsoones this liegeman gan to wexe more bold,And when he felt the folly of his Lord,In his owne kind he gan him selfe vnfold:For he was wylie witted, and growne oldIn cunning sleightes and practick knauery.From that day forth he cast for to vpholdHis ydle humour with fine slattery,And blow the bellowes to his swelling vanity.
Trompart fitt man for Braggadochio,To serue at court in view of vaunting eye;Vaineglorious man, when fluttring wind does blowIn his light winges, is lifted vp to skye:The scorne of knighthood and trew cheualrye,To thinke without desert of gentle deed,And noble worth to be aduaunced hye:Such prayse is shame; but honour vertues meedDoth beare the fayrest flowre in honourable seed.
So forth they pas, a well consorted payre,Till that at length with Archimage they meet:Who seeing one that shone in armour fayre,On goodly course thondring with his feet,Eftsoones supposed him a person meet,Of his reuenge to make the instrument:For since the Redcrosse knight he erst did weet,To beene with Guyon knitt in one consent,The ill, which earst to him, he now to Guyon ment.
And comming close to Trompart gan inquereOf him, what mightie warriour that mote bee,That rode in golden sell with single spere,But wanted sword to wreake his enmitee.
