The second Booke of
Cant. III.
From of the earth, to take his aerie flight.They lookt about, but no where could espyeTract of his foot: then dead through great affrightThey both nigh were, and each bad other flye:Both fled attonce, ne euer backe retourned eye.
Till that they come vnto a forrest greene,In which they shrowd thēselues from causeles feare;Yet feare them followes still, where so they beene,Each trembling leafe, and whistling wind they heare,As ghastly bug does vnto them affeare:Yet both doe striue their fearefulnesse to faine.At last they heard a horne, that shrilled cleareThroughout the wood, that ecchoed againe,And made the forrest ring, as it would riue in twaine.
Eft through the thicke they heard one rudely rush;With noyse whereof he from his loftie steedDowne fell to ground, and crept into a bush,To hide his coward head from dying dreed.But Trompart stoutly stayd to taken heed,Of what might hap. Eftsoone there stepped foorthA goodly Ladie clad in hunters weed,That seemd to be a woman of great worth,And by her stately portance, borne of heauenly birth.
Her face so faire as flesh it seemed not,But heuenly pourtraict of bright Angels hew,Cleare as the skye, withouten blame or blot,Through goodly mixture of complexions dew;And in her cheekes the vermeill red did shewLike roses in a bed of lillies shed,The which ambrosiall odours from them threw,And gazers sence with double pleasure fed,Hable to heale the sicke, and to reuiue the ded.