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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/227

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Cant. III.
the Faerie Queene.
In her faire eyes two liuing lamps did flame,Kindled aboue at th'heuenly makers light,And darted fyrie beames out of the same,So passing persant, and so wondrous bright,That quite bereau'd the rash beholders sight:In them the blinded god his lustfull fyreTo kindle oft assayd, but had no might;For with dredd Maiestie, and awfull yre,She broke his wanton darts, and quenched bace desyre.
Her yuorie forhead, full of bountie braue,Like a broad table did it selfe dispred,For Loue his loftie triumphes to engraue,And write the battailes of his great godhed:All good and honour might therein be red:For there their dwelling was. And when she spake,Sweete wordes, like dropping honny she did shed,And twixt the perles and rubins softly brakeA siluer sound, that heauenly musicke seemd to make.
Vpon her eyelids many Graces sate,Vnder the shadow of her euen browes,Working belgardes, and amorous retrate,And euerie one her with a grace endowes:And euerie one with meekenesse to her bowes.So glorious mirrhour of celestiall grace,And soueraine moniment of mortall vowes,How shall frayle pen descriue her heauenly face,For feare through want of skill her beauty to disgrace?
So faire, and thousand thousand times more faireShe seemd, when she presented was to sight,And was yclad, for heat of scorching aire,All in a silken Camus lylly whight,
