The second Booke of
Cant. III.
Purfled vpon with many a folded plight,Which all aboue besprinckled was throughout,With golden aygulets, that glistred bright,Like twinckling starres, and all the skirt aboutWas hemd with golden fringe
Below her ham her weed did somewhat trayne,And her streight legs most brauely were embayldIngilden buskins of costly Cordwayne,All bard with golden bendes, which were entayldWith curious antickes, and full fayre aumayld:Before they fastned were vnder her kneeIn a rich iewell, and therein entrayldThe ends of all the knots, that none might see,How they within their fouldings close enwrapped bee.
Like two faire marble pillours they did seene,Which doe the temple of the Gods support,Whom all the people decke with girlands greene,And honour in their festiuall resort;Those same with stately grace, and princely portShe taught to tread, when she her selfe would grace,But with the woody Nymphes when she did play,Or when the flying Libbard she did chace,She could them nimbly moue, and after fly apace.
And in her hand a sharpe bore-speare she held,And at her backe a bow and quiuer gay,Stuft with steele-headed dartes, wherewith she queldThe saluage beastes in her victorious play,Knit with a golden bauldricke, which forelayAthwart her snowy brest, and did diuideHer daintie paps; which like young fruit in MayNow little gan to swell, and being tide,Through her thin weed their places only signifide.