The second Booke of
Cant. III.
Where ease abownds, yt's eath to doe amis;But who his limbs with labours, and his myndBehaues with cares, cannot so easy mis.Abroad in armes, at home in studious kyndWho seekes with painfull toile, shal honor soonest fynd.
In woods, in waues, in warres she wonts to dwell,And wilbe found with perill and with paine;Ne can the man, that moulds in ydle cell,Vnto her happy mansion attaine:Before her gate high God did Sweate ordaine,And wakefull watches euer to abide:But easy is the way, and passage plaineTo pleasures pallace; it may soone be spide,And day and night her dores to all stand open wide.
In Princes court. The rest she would haue sayd,But that the foolish man, fild with delightOf her sweete words, that all his sence dismayd,And with her wondrous beauty rauisht quight,Gan burne in filthy lust, and leaping light,Thought in his bastard armes her to embrace.With that she swaruing backe, her Iauelin brightAgainst him bent, and fiercely did menace:So turned her about, and fled away apace.
Which when the Pesaunt saw, amazd he stood,And grieued at her flight; yet durst he nottPursew her steps, through wild vnknowen wood;Besides he feard her wrath, and threatned shottWhiles in the bush he lay, not yet forgott:Ne car'd he greatly for her presence vayne,But turning said to Trompart, What fowle blottIs this to knight, that Lady should agayneDepart to woods vntoucht, & leaue so proud disdayne?