Cant. IIII.
the Faery Queene.
A mad man, or that feigned mad to bee,Drew by the heare along vpon the grownd,A handsom stripling with great crueltee,Whom sore he bett, and gor'd with many a wownd,That cheekes with teares, & sydes with blood did all abownd.
And him behynd, a wicked Hag did stalke,In ragged robes, and filthy disaray,Her other leg was lame, that she no'te walke.But on a staffe her feeble steps did stay;Her lockes, that loathly were and hoarie gray,Grew all afore, and loosly hong vnrold,But all behinde was bald, and worne away,That none thereof could euer taken hold,And eke her face ill fauourd, full of wrinckles old.
And euer as she went, her toung did walkeIn fowle reproch, and termes of vile despight,Prouoking him by her outrageous talke,To heape more vengeance on that wretched wight;Somtimes she raught him stones, wherwith to smite,Sometimes her staffe, though it her one leg were,Withouten which she could not goe vpright;Ne any euill meanes she did forbeare,That might him moue to wrath, and in dignation reare.
The noble Guyon mou'd with great remorse,Approching, first the Hag did thrust away,And after adding more impetuous forse,His mighty hands did on the madman lay,And pluckt him backe; who all on fire streight way,Against him turning all his fell intent,With beastly brutish rage gan him assay,And smott, and bitt, and kickt, and scratcht, and rent,And did he wist not what in his auengement.