The second Booke of
Cant. IIII.
And sure he was a man of mickle might,Had he had gouernaunce, it well to guyde:But when the frantick fitt inflamd his spright,His force was vaine, and strooke more often wyde,Then at the aymed marke, which he had eyde:And oft himselfe he chaunst to hurt vnwares,Whylest reasō blent through passiō, nought descrydeBut as a blindfold Bull at randon fares,And where he hits, nought knowes, & whom he hurts, nought cares.
His rude assault and rugged handelingStraunge seemed to the knight, that aye with foeIn fayre defence and goodly menagingOf armes was wont to fight, yet nathemoeWas he abashed now not fighting so,But more enfierced through his currish play,Him sternly grypt, and hailing to and fro,To ouerthrow him strongly did assay,But ouerthrew him selfe vnwares, and lowerlay.
And being downe the villein sore did beate,And bruze with clownish fistes his manly face:And eke the Hag with many a bitter threat.Still cald vpon to kill him in the place.With whose reproch and odious menaceThe knight emboyling in his haughtie hart,Knitt all his forces, and gan soone vnbraceHis grasping hold: so lightly did vpstart,And drew his deadly weapon, to maintaine his part.
Which when the Palmer saw, he loudly cryde,Not so O Guyon, neuer thinke that soThat Monster can be maistred or destroyd:He is no, ah, he is not such a foe,