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Page:The Faerie Queene (Books 1 to 3) - Spenser (1590).djvu/240

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The second Booke of
Cant. IIII.
At last such grace I found, and meanes I wrought,That I that Lady to my spouse had wonne;Accord of friendes, consent of Parents sought,Affyaunce made, my happinesse begonne,There wanted nought but few rites to be donne,Which mariage make; that day too farre did seeme:Most ioyous man, on whom the shining Sunne,Did shew his face, my selfe I did esteeme,And that my falser friend did no lesse ioyous deeme.
But ear that wished day his beame disclosd,He either enuying my toward good,Or of him selfe to treason ill disposdOne day vnto me came in friendly mood,And told for secret how he vnderstoodThat Lady whom I had to me assynd,Had both distaind her honorable blood,And eke the faith, which she to me did bynd;And therfore wisht me stay, till I more truth should fynd.
The gnawing anguish and sharp gelosy,Which his sad speach infixed in my brest,Ranckled so sore, and festred inwardly,That my engreeued mind could find no rest,Till that the truth thereof I did out wrest,And him besought by that same sacred bandBetwixt vs both, to counsell me the best.He then with solemne oath and plighted handAssurd, ere long the truth to let me vnderstand.
Ere long with like againe he boorded mee,Saying, he now had boulted all the floure,And that it was a groome of base degree,Which of my loue was partener Paramoure:
